Comrades: Our Veterans program was Friday, and if you didn't make it the ceremony was a very heart touching experience. Now for many years Carmen Silbernick directed the choir and Randy Resley directed the band. They always do a spectacular job and we appreciate and think our school has been blessed by their talent and direction they give their students. They made a special day even more special! Because of all the post and auxiliary members that participated it also made this day special. I can truly say well done. I even had a few calls and lots of comments telling me how great a job everyone did. This month should be another busy one. We will have our normal meals as well as our Christmas party and Tom and Jerry night. So check your calendar for dates and times. It would be fun to have everyone enjoying this holiday season with us. The memorial park is ninety nine percent finished. I hope by December 1st it will be complete, a big thank you to Darrin and Becky Hensley and the 3 girls for keeping the secret which surprised us by paying for our new mural display. It is a 24 foot mural that is beautiful. Go look if you have a chance before the snow covers it up. That is if we have snow this year!! Our editor of the newsletter is in Texas for a few months, so if there is something special you want put in newsletter let Mike Kral or Shelly Schnitzler know and they will make sure Jan gets it. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Commander Chub Hensley Auxiliary Members, Welcome new member Theresa Sonterre! November meeting was held with 11 members present. Thank you to those whom could attend and to those who served the food. Donations voted on were: Christmas at the Home/Hospitals, National Children's Home, Armed Forces Service Center, and Jingle Bells. VFW Post 7902 Christmas decorating will be November 28th at 1:00 p.m. Come share the fun!! Our member Christmas Dinner/Party will be held December 3, 2016. Social @ 5 p.m., dinner @ 6 p.m. Please plan to attend our December 21st meeting @ 7 p.m. in the VFW 7902 banquet room. In lieu of our gift exchange, members voted to donate to the Todd and Douglas County food shelves. Please bring a food item to donate and a treat to share at the meeting. Servers for December are Linda B. and Judy J. Your Auxiliary President, DeLores Butkowski December Birthday Celebrants Happy birthday to the following December birthday celebrants: Denise Barsness, Gus Berninghaus, Thomas Costello, Lenore Davis, Steven Ehnes, Jan Flolid, Jessica Gomez, Minnie Jezierski, Vicky Loften, Karen Maher, Roman Meier, Scott Morrisette, Jim Norberg, Karen Olek, Wayne Olson, Pat Ostrem, Jeremy Pederson, Marlene Rekedahl, Shirley Robischon, Mike Rooney, Donald Schlosser, Connie Sell, Penny Shaw, Bruce Sonterre, Celia Tengwall, Judith Tomford & Bev Tweedt. Don’t forget to visit the Club on your birthday for a complimentary beverage. Please contact either Helen McLain (320-859- 4384) or Mike Kral (320-859- 5643) if your birth date in not included. Remember membership night on Fridays from 6:00 – 9:00 PM. During this time, alcohol beverages will be served to all Vets and Auxiliary members at a fifty-cent reduction. Also, all Vets & Auxiliary members who attend the Post or Auxiliary meeting will receive a fifty cent reduction on alcohol beverages after the meeting until closing. The courtesy of displaying a membership card to receive this price break would be appreciated by the bar personnel. Remodeling Fund
Thanks to all who continue to respond when called to help with our many volunteer activities. Fundraisers for the month of December are: fish fry on the 9 th , & roast beef dinner on the 30 th . We’re still looking for enterprising individuals to start a new monthly activity. A monthly chicken dinner would be fantastic. Once per month is not a great commitment and being involved with projects usually is satisfying and fun.
Comrades: This has been a great month for good food at our post. As usual Mike has had his wings and wedges. There was a roast beef dinner put on by Shelly and Jeff , a fish fry dinner put on by Jerry Kral and of course all their helpers. A spaghetti dinner; that Mary George cooked with volunteer helpers. A big thank you to everyone. This was a good way to make the public aware of our mental health issues of our veterans. We were able to make a donation to the Eagle Nest in Sauk Center. This is a great place. Veterans Day will be here soon. I hope you can join us for this special day; to honor our veterans. I hope to get a closure to our Armed Forces memorial. We have a few more small jobs to do to make it one of the nicest memorials in the state. Thanks to Kearny Frank for his dedication to making sure it is always swept off and nice and clean. Make sure to look at your newsletter calendar of events this month. There will be a number of events to enjoy. We work hard to make our post a nice place to visit. If you have any concerns or suggestions we welcome your comments. Our snowbirds are heading south so have a great winter and we will look forward to see you in the spring. Your commander Chub Hensley Dear Auxiliary Members, October meeting was held with 11 members present. Thank you to those in attendance and those who served food. Discussed flag etiquette for young members of our community. Two flags were purchased and donated to the Osakis Athletic Field. A $100 donation was motioned/approved for the Osakis After Prom Party. Open welcome to attend The Veteran's Day Program at 10:15 a.m.; on Friday, November 11, 2016 in the Osakis School Auditorium. Last year there was not a November meeting of the Auxiliary because it would have been the same week as Thanksgiving. This year we WILL BE having a November meeting. Please plan to attend our next Auxiliary meeting 7:00 p.m., November 16, 2016 in the VFW Post 7902 banquet room. Servers for November are Carolyn H., Laurie N., and LeAnn R. Have a safe and Happy Halloween :) Respectfully, Your Auxiliary President, DeLores Butkowski November Birthday Celebrants Happy birthday to the following November birthday celebrants: Dorothy Bandas, Lance Barrett, Lillian Clark, Jacke Crotteau, Jake DeLisle, Shane Edenloff, Paul Faris, Sheilah Howard, Monica Jicha, Dan Kakac, Audrey Maxwell, Ryan Meyer, Lois Neumann, Carol Oelfke, Willian Schillnger, Patricia Senger, Swor, Jim Tenhoff, & USA Marine Corps. Don’t forget to visit the Club on your birthday for a complimentary beverage. Please contact either Helen McLain (320-859- 4384) or Mike Kral (320-859- 5643) if your birth date in not included. Remember membership night on Fridays from 6:00 – 9:00 PM. During this time, alcohol beverages will be served to all Vets and Auxiliary members at a fifty-cent reduction. Also, all Vets &; Auxiliary members who attend the Post or Auxiliary meeting will receive a fifty cent reduction on alcohol beverages after the meeting until closing. The courtesy of displaying a membership card to receive this price break would be appreciated by the bar personnel. Remodeling Fund
Thanks to all who continue to respond when called to help with our many volunteer activities. Fundraisers for the month of November are: fish fry on the 11 th , & roast beef dinner on the 25 th . We’re still looking for enterprising individuals to start a new monthly activity. A monthly chicken dinner would be fantastic. Once per month is not a great commitment and being involved with projects usually is satisfying and fun. Comrades: Another four days at the Douglas County fair parking cars is behind us. Mike Kral lined up a great group of volunteers again this year. We had all ages of volunteers. Older guys and young people all working together and enjoying it the whole time. I think there was 25 people in all that helped. The money we receive is split with our Boy Scouts and the Post. The post earnings go toward the memorial park fund. A few of our members were at the Fall Conference in Mahnomen this month. As usual we got some good information and helps make us more aware of how and why our VFW is so important to our members as well as our community. Our charitable gambling makes many donations to our city, school and families that are in distress. So this part of our giving is awesome to be a part of. Members are so very important to all VFW organizations, so if you know someone that is eligible to be a member please encourage them to join. Strength is in numbers. I saw this first hand this year when veterans went to the Capitol to speak on issues concerning veterans. I saw how retired military personnel get tax relief on their pensions. We could use a few more events at our post each month. If you could come up with a few suggestions let us know, and we will try our best to have it happen. It is that time again when our snowbirds will head south. So we will have to do without a few of our good members for a few months. If you know who they are tell them to have a good time but to hurry back, as we will miss them. Commander Chub Hensley Auxiliary Members, Welcome new member Patricia S.! The new VFW calendars are available for purchase. They make great gifts! For $20 here are daily chances to win $$; and your name goes back into the drawing, so you could win multiple times. Contact Auxiliary Member Cindy Eischen to get your calendar. Fall is upon us and the colors are spectacular! Please plan to attend our next meeting, October 19 at 7:00 p.m. Servers are Pat M., Harriet S., and Joyce W. Your Auxiliary President, DeLores Butkowski Military funeral honors were held for Frank Murphy on Aug 20, 2016 at St. Nicholas Catholic Church and cemetery in Belle River. Frank served in the Army. Honor guard members present were: Jerry Kral, John Pallow, Rob Matheny, Lance spychalla and Gary Mikkelson. Remodeling Fund
Thanks to all who continue to respond when called to help with our many volunteer activities. Fundraisers for the month of October are: fish fry on the 14 th , Mental Health Awareness spaghetti dinner on the 15 th , &; roast beef dinner on the 28 th . We’re still looking for enterprising individuals to start a new monthly activity. A monthly chicken dinner would be fantastic. Once per month is not a greatcommitment and being involved with projects usually is satisfying and fun. Comrades: July has certainly been a busy month so far. We had a great day at the West Union 4th of July parade. Spent a few days helping the construction crew at the Memorial Site. Also with the lawn mowing and checking on the new storage shed. A few unexpected jobs came up after the power outage. We lost a freezer, a motor in the kitchen and could possibly have more things come up. Mike Kral and Rick Loxterkamp have done a great job making sure things are in working order at all times. The Viet Nam Memorial wall was in Sauk Centre the 14 - 17th. Our color guard was on hand for the opening ceremony on the 14th. My nephew's name is listed on the wall so that made it a little emotional for me. If you have never seen it in Washington DC or on the traveling wall, you have missed such a special memorial. If you ever hear of it being close at all I would suggest you try to visit, you won't be disappointed. August has some special days too. One is the salad luncheon, always tasty salads and fun too!! We have our post picnic on August 14th. Also the regular fish fry on the second Friday. And of course our regular post and auxiliary meeting. Mike Kral will be looking for volunteers for help parking vehicles at the county fair. Fair board members really appreciate this job our post helps with. Have a cool and fun last half of summer. Commander Chub Hensley Dear Sisters: At the July meeting $500.00 was donated to St. Cloud VA for the veterans recreation program. $250.00 was donated for grocery cards and Rainbow Rider cards to be given to area veterans who need assistance through the Alexandria VA Clinic. Upcoming – Salad Luncheon will be held on August 11 th , from 11 am – 1 pm cost is $6.50 per person at the VFW post 7902. Also don’t forget the Post and Auxiliary Picnic on August 14 th , from 11:30 – 12:30. Next month’s meeting is August 17 th at 7 pm, Lunch committee is Kathy F, Vickie L and Ardell S. Sincerely DeLores Butkowski President Hello Comrades, Brothers and Sisters: We wanted to update the members about how well our poppy sales have done this year. Several of us went to the Twins Game for Armed Forces Day at the Park. We arrived about 1030am got together when the gates open up at 11am. We did wonderful this year. We had several new people there working hard for our veterans. Of course our Mike Kral was again the big winner. See below for Twins Game Totals. Mike Kral $516.75 Donny Neumann $296.80 Kathy Fystrom $225.12 Bruce Johnson $178.64 and Sharon Johnson $144.00. Grand total for the Game $1361.31 the best we have ever done. Thank you to all who helped especially our new people Donny Neumann, Bruce and Sharon Johnson. Here are the final total for our poppy campaign for 2016 mailing $1,084.00 Poppy Cards $466.00 Poppy Day $830.88 Twins Game $1361.31 Grand Total $3742.19. We are $606.00 above last year’s totals. As Mike said we are setting a higher standard for ourselves. You know what that is wonderful. Thanks to all Kathy and Denny Fystrom Co-Poppy Chairman. Remodeling Fund Thanks to all who continue to respond when called to help with our many volunteer activities. The storage shed on the east side of the club is complete except for the ramps into each door. A decision on the purchase of a Club lawn mower will be made at the July Post meeting. Fundraisers for the month of August are: fish fry on the 12 th & roast beef dinner on the 26 th . We’re still looking for enterprising individuals to start a new monthly activity. A monthly chicken dinner would be fantastic. Once per month is not a great commitment and being involved with projects usually is satisfying and fun. Thank You & Congratulations Thank you Ginny Earl for your undying dedication to Post 7902 and its Auxiliary. Ginny just completed her eighth consecutive year as Auxiliary President and previously served as President from 1988 through 1991 for a total of twelve years. During those years, in addition to her many duties as President, she also coordinated Voice of Democracy, Patriots’ Pen, numerous other Americanism projects, spearheaded many Teacher of the Year sponsorships and more often than not when a great meal was served from the kitchen, Ginny was at the helm as head cook. Thank you Ginny and it is hoped that there is still some enthusiasm left in the tank and Post 7902 and Auxiliary will be the beneficiary. Also, congratulations Kathy Fystrom on your installation as Department of Minnesota Auxiliary President. Kathy has been a dedicated Post 7902 Auxiliary member for many years and only those who have served in her current capacity as Department President can appreciate and know the dedication and commitment Kathy will experience during the next year. Post 7902 and its Auxiliary are truly proud to be home Post to the Department of Minnesota President. Good luck, Kathy, during your year of service to the Department and thank your for all you’ve done for Post 7902. August Birthday Celebrants
Happy birthday to the following August birthday celebrants: Timothy Aaser, Rose Alcott, Everend Anderson, Nancy Baufield, Kathy Berg, Jo Berninghaus, Tom Beyer, Larry Bruzek, Dean Chapman, Kerry Drabek, Timothy Earl, Babe Greiner, Andrew Herickhoff, Russ Hevern, Gill Hillesheim, Philip Jensen, Lauren Kennison, Kathy LaFrenz, Joyce Lenz, Dan Rooney, Dick Vangstad, & Joyce Watson. Don’t forget to visit the Club on your birthday for a complimentary beverage. Please contact either Helen McLain (320-859- 4384) or Mike Kral (320-859- 5643) if your birth date in not included. Remember membership night on Fridays from 6:00 – 9:00 PM. During this time, alcohol beverages will be served to all Vets and Auxiliary members at a fifty-cent reduction. Also, all Vets & Auxiliary members who attend the Post or Auxiliary meeting will receive a fifty cent reduction on alcohol beverages after the meeting until closing. The courtesy of displaying a membership card to receive this price break would be appreciated by the bar personnel. |
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